Our Expertise
The Labour Relations Act (LRA) and application thereof including
- Relationships with trade unions
- Collective agreements
- Collective bargaining
- Dispute resolution
- Dismissals
- Litigation in the CCMA, labour court, labour appeal court (LAC), High Court and magistrates courts
- Bargaining councils/statutory councils and disputes relating thereto
- Strike and lockout advice and management
- Employment strategies
- Changing terms and conditions of employment
- Contracts of employment
Basic Conditions of Employment Act
- The application, interpretation and enforcement of the Act
- Dealing with and representing clients
- Dealing with disputes
- Compliance issues
Occupational Health and Safety Act
- The application, interpretation and enforcement of the Act
- Assisting with enquiries
- Representation in instances of prosecution
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act
- The application, interpretation and enforcement of the Act
- Injury on duty
Unemployment Insurance Act (UIF)
- The application of the Act
Restraint of Trade agreements
- Drafting, interpretation and enforcement
Strategic employment advice
- Employee Benefits
- Pension/provident fund
- Medical aid
- Remuneration including incentive schemes and productivity bonuses